Punjab Pharmacy Council 1st year Past Paper MARCH 2009



Examination of Pharmacy Technician/Diploma in Pharmacy

Pharmacognosy Paper-III (Part II)

TIME ALLOPWED 2:30 HOURS                                   MARCH 2009

TOTAL MARKS:  100                                                        PASS MARKS: 50%


Note: Attempt any three questions, all carry equal marks.

Q. 1:

     a)   Define enzyme, what are properties of enzymes.

     b)  Define allergen, what is different kind of allergens.

     c)    Give difference between enzymes + Catalysts.


     a)   Define chromatography explain partition chromatography.

     b)  Write a role note on plants causing irritation on mouth & throat.

      c)    Write a role on important mobile and stationary phase


      a)   What are poisonous plants, write a note on poisonous plant acting on CNS.

      b)  Define resins give their physical, chemical nature and different combinations.

      c)    Give the classification of tannins and test for tannins.


      a)   Define root, what are their different types? Also give characteristics of roots.

      b)  Write a detailed note on cardio active glycosides.

      c)    Define alkaloids give their classification + functions with example.



1st year all subjects

    1.   Anatomy & Physiology.

    2.   Biochemistry & Microbiology.

    3.   Pharmacognosy.

    4.   Pharmaceutics.

Important short Questions / Answers.

1000 + MCQs

Previous past paper

           (Punjab Pharmacy Counsel Past Paper

          Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pharmacy Council)

       Syllabus (Written + Practical)

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