Pharmacy technician 2012



Examination of Pharmacy Technician/Diploma in Pharmacy

Pharmacognosy Paper -III (Part II)

TIME ALLOPWED 2:30 HOURS                                      NOV 2012

TOTAL MARKS:  100                                                        PASS MARKS: 50%


Attempt any four questions.

Question No. 1                  Marks: 20

Write Botanical Name, Chemical Class, constituents and uses of five plants of leguminous family?

Question No 2:         Marks: Briefly describe the following with example.

     a.   Fixed oils with two examples of plants containing fixed oils?

     b.   Plants causing cardiovascular system (CVS) disturbance?

Question No 3:    Marks 20

Write short notes on the following

a.   Podophyllum emodi?

b.   Catalyst?

c.    Percolation?

d.   Principles of extraction?

e.   Neurotransmitters secreted as a result of allergy?

Question No. 4         Marks 20

Describe chromatography and write detail note on thin Layer chromatography (TLC)?



1st year all subjects

    1.   Anatomy & Physiology.

    2.   Biochemistry & Microbiology.

    3.   Pharmacognosy.

    4.   Pharmaceutics.

Important short Questions / Answers.

1000 + MCQs

Previous past paper

           (Punjab Pharmacy Counsel Past Paper

          Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pharmacy Council)

       Syllabus (Written + Practical)


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